Find Your New Waste Service Day

Beginning January 6th, Waste Management began to implement a new trash collection schedule featuring once-a-week collection in Middletown Township. Trash, recycling, and yard waste will all be picked up on the same day, with bulk waste collected during the third week of each month on your collection day.  Click here to learn more

Use our interactive tool to find your new collection day: Trash Service Day Lookup

Christmas trees are picked up on residents’ collection day throughout the month of January.  Make sure all of the decorations and lights are removed.  Do not place trees in plastic bags.


Spotted Lanternfly Remediation

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The spotted lanternfly is an invasive species new to southeastern Pennsylvania and poses a threat to trees and crops.  This webpage contains detailed information about how to identify spotted lanternflies.

The most effective way to combat spotted lanternflies is to squish them!  Whether in their beetle-like stage in the spring or full-grown adult form in the summer and fall, it is critical that spotted lanternflies be killed on sight.  

The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture is the lead agency on spotted lanternfly remediation.  If you see a spotted lanternfly, please report it to the Department of Agriculture.  The report form allows for up to 999 spotted lanternflies to be reported at once.