Find Your New Waste Service Day

Beginning January 6th, Waste Management began to implement a new trash collection schedule featuring once-a-week collection in Middletown Township. Trash, recycling, and yard waste will all be picked up on the same day, with bulk waste collected during the third week of each month on your collection day.  Click here to learn more

Use our interactive tool to find your new collection day: Trash Service Day Lookup

Christmas trees are picked up on residents’ collection day throughout the month of January.  Make sure all of the decorations and lights are removed.  Do not place trees in plastic bags.


Middletown Earns Second Consecutive Budget Award

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Middletown Township was awarded the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award by the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) for its 2020 Budget for the second consecutive year. This award represents a significant achievement reflective of a commitment by the Township to meeting the highest principles of governmental budgeting.  Out of nearly 3,000 municipalities and governmental authorities in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the Township is one of 12 governmental bodies and 7 townships in Pennsylvania to earn this achievement in 2020.
Of the nearly 89,000 units of local government in the United States, the GFOA Distinguished Budget Presentation Award is earned by less than 1% of governmental agencies.
In order to receive this award, the Township had to satisfy nationally recognized guidelines for effective budget presentation.  These guidelines are designed to assess the Township’s ability for its budget to serve as a policy, financial planning, operations, and communications device.  The Township’s budget features financial analysis and contextual information, making it clear to staff and the community at large how funds are being earned and disbursed, and why.
"Middletown Township takes great pride in its financial management and transparency with the community," said Board of Supervisors Chairman Mike Ksiazek. "We prepare our budget so staff, the Supervisors, and the public are better informed and can make better decisions."
Middletown Township is receiving this award for the second consecutive year. The 2021 Budget has been prepared in accordance with GFOA's criteria and will be submitted upon final adoption by the Board of Supervisors in December.